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When things are strained...

When things are strained between you

When you are with someone who is never there

When you are with someone who is just too busy all the time

When you are with someone who wont show up for you and always has excuses

When they stop answering or returning your calls

When they ignore your text messages

When everything else seems like it's way more important to them

This is the beginning of the end.

When you express how it makes you feel hurt and angry

When you share how you feel disconnected and detached from the other person

All they have to say is "Well I don't know what to tell you."

When they don't seem to care anymore, and you start to not care anymore

When everything falls apart.

This is the end.

Relationships are a lot of work and it takes two people who are willing to do the work together in order for it to really stand the test of time. When one or the other is neglecting the relationship, things get strained, and that is just the beginning of the end. Once things are strained it makes it harder to get back to where you once were because it all feels so yucky now. It can be healed and mended if only both parties are willing to do what it takes to make that happen. If one of them chooses not to, then it's over. You can't stay in a relationship with someone who wont participate.

When two people drift apart it's likely one of these things:

One or both partners has neglected the relationship

One or both partners is just too busy

One or both partners is focused on everything else instead of the relationship

One or both partners feels resentful, hurt, and angry about it all

One or both partners don't want to talk about it

One or both partners are avoiding the inevitable by refusing to talk or connect

All of this strain gets built upon layer over layer until it's too much for anyone to bear. That is when one or both partners finally says it's over. They can't take it anymore and the other partner is so busy that they just let it happen and keep living life from this same space of just being too busy and neglecting loved ones.

These patterns that arise will continue unless this person is willing to heal the inner wounds that are keeping them stuck and repeating the same things over and over again just with different relationships. Have you ever felt like your relationships almost always end the same way for the same kinds of reasons? There is a reason for that. The reason is that you have unconscious patterns that are running your life and effecting your relationships that are based upon your belief systems and projections.

These can be healed, but there is much internal emotional and mental work to be done.

I can help with that.

Are any of you relating to what I have shared here? Are you ready to break the pattern and live life in a new way? Contact me today.

Blessings to you all. With Love

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